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Chapter 01

     Chapter 01
     Scarlett's POV
     Running hurriedly through the hallway with my breath hagged as a result of my thorough and endless runs.
     "Sorry," I said, my face forward and still running at the same fast pace, I had hit someone. Though I didn't hear her reply I knew she acknowledged my apology.
     "Oh my... hi. Hi, I'm Scarlett, I'm supposed to be here for the interview.."
     "You're late miss, the interview ended five minutes ago" The lady I had approached responded.
     "But I.. um.. is there something you could do for me? Please I need this job and I promise I'm capable.."
     "I'm sorry miss. Our boss is a strict one and doesn't tolerate lateness, I'm so sorry there's nothing I can do to help" She said and with a light bow, she walked away leaving me looking helpless and hopeless.
     Not again, Not again Lord, I kept chanting ad I stood still in the same spot for minutes unable to move.
     This is the fifth job I will be losing in two months. The heavens are really against me.
     My phone beeped and it was a text from my best friend.
     'Let me guess, you didn't meet up on time' was what her text read.
     I sighed and inserted my phone into my pocket before exiting the company with my head down.
     "Mommy!" My twins rushed to me at once they sighted me walking into the house. My house is mobile somewhere far away from the city.
     There were other houses around just exotic ones, rich people live there. You must be wondering why any rich person would live somewhere far away from the city, in the middle of the woods.
     But Tonia had talked about how much this wealthy person liked secrecy and some were probably into illegal works and were avoiding being seen. She has so many wealthy friends.
     "Great, I can leave now," Tonia said, grabbing her expensive bag on the counter and giving me a little pat on the shoulder, she walked out of the house.
     "Mommy, how was it?" My little blonde girl asked.
     "Well, I didn't get the job but everything will be fine, you know that right?" I said with a reassuring smile and she nodded slowly.
     "And you, you're fine right?" I asked little Ryan. "Yes mom" He replied with a wide smile and I smiled too.
     "Let's go make pancakes," I said and they jumped up excitedly.
     "What's up, babe?" That was the screeching sound of my bestie.
     "Hey," I said nonchalantly as I fed Ryan, I had no choice, he wouldn't let me be.
     "Let me guess, you're mad at me?" Tonia asked making puppy faces and I scoffed.
     "Of course not, why would I be mad at my one and only friend, oh yeah, the same one who left and didn't care that I lost a job," I said with a little hiss.
     "Come on girl, you never had the job" She teased chewing her gum so loudly.
     I passed her a glare and she gave those irresistible puppy eyes again.
     "Come on, I knew you weren't going to get the job, you left home at 9 am, and the interview was starting by 9 am, be for real girl," She said and I sighed.
     Tonia never sugarcoats things, always straight to the point not caring if it hurts.
     She is right, I knew the interview was starting at 9 am and I also left home by 9 am, that was so dumb of me, I know but it couldn't be helped.
     I had nowhere to take care of my twins for me, I can't leave them here all alone in a house, in the middle of the woods.
     "Maybe if you had arrived earlier when I called you to come to stay with my twins, maybe I would have gotten the job" I hissed again.
     "Heyy girl, don't blame me, I came here as fast as I could" She responded, snatching some chips into her mouth. She is right though. Once again it's all my fault.
     Maybe I would never get a job for the rest of my life. If this is the price to pay for being a bitch, I would gladly accept this punishment.
     "Girl.." A snap from Tonia brought me back to reality." what?" I asked nonchalantly.
     "Come on girl, what were you thinking about? Your phone's been making this annoying 'beep' sound for the past two minutes but you were all in your world, what's wrong?" She asked.
     I ignored her and took my phone instead after handing the plate to Ryan to eat by himself.
     "Who's it?" Tonia raised a question after I went quiet for some minutes with my eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.
     "Scarlett! Scarlett!" Tonia shrieked when I wasn't giving a reply.
     I jerked out of my thoughts and turned to her with my mouth also wide open.
     "What happened?" Tonia asked but I gave no reply again. She snatched the phone from me and after going through the context of the text I received, she turned to me with widened eyes.
     "I got the Job"
     "You got the job!?"
     We both said simultaneously.
     "Girl, is this some kind of joke? You told me you didn't get to do an interview?"
     "Yeah, I didn't. I don't.
     "Then how come you got the job, this is from the company right?" She asked and I nodded.
     "What's going on?" She asked and I shook my head.
     "I seriously don't know, I swear to God" I responded, almost shaking.
     Why am I shaking? Out of confusion? Joy? Or fear that it could be meant for someone else?
     I don't know why, but I wasn't settled. I lost the job, the lady made it clear, I didn't even get to meet the CEO for an interview, so how?..
     "I don't know, I seriously don't know, I'm as confused as you are right now" I responded without thinking.
     "This letter says you're to resume tomorrow," She said and I arched my brows.
     "So?" I asked confusedly.
     "Let's go shopping for clothes!!" She screamed and rushed to go get her car key.
     "Get the twins!" She shouted while I stood still in confusion.

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